Pregnancy Diets

If you do not pass your Modified Glucose Tolerance Test, you will be required to take the Full Glucose Tolerance Test.  (Be aware that if your Modified Glucose Tolerance test blood sugar is >190, you will automatically be considered Gestational Diabetic and be sent for Diabetic Counselling).  Please follow the instructions below, and click on the link to download the diet.

Full Glucose Tolerance Test – This is the definitive test that will evaluate for gestational diabetes.  You will be in our office for at least 3 hours.  You should sit quietly for the duration of the test because excessive movement may cause blood sugar to elevate.

  1. Schedule a lab only, morning appointment. 
  2. Follow 2000 calorie diabetic diet for 3 days prior to test.
  3. Do not eat or drink anything (except water) after Midnight the night prior to testing.  You must be fasting to begin this test.
  4. Upon admission to the lab, a fasting blood sugar will be checked.  You will then be given a measured amount of glucose to drink.  This drink should be consumed within a 5-minute time span.  From the time you began drinking the glucose, your blood sugar will be checked at 1 hour, 2 hours and 3-hour intervals.
  5. During the test one of our nurses will take the opportunity to talk with you about gestational diabetes and give you written information regarding your doctor’s recommendations for follow up for anyone who is diagnosed as a Gestational Diabetic.  Our doctors want all of our OB patients to be well informed and receive follow up quickly should it be needed.
  6. One of our nurses will contact you within one week regarding your results.  Please call us if you do not receive a call.

Gestational Diabetic Diets:

Please review this document for Gestational Diabetic Diet guidelines.

Indian Gestational Diabetic Diet

Wet/Dry (High Carbohydrate) Diet for Nausea and Vomiting: 

Dietary Habits may be a contributing factor in the development of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.  Small, frequent meals, fairly dry and high in easily digested carbohydrates are more readily tolerated.  Liquids are best taken between the meals.  The diet is served in small feedings.

Foods to Avoid:  Beverages with meals: Soups, Jell-O, ice cream, sherbert or popsicles with meals: Melons-watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew; Gas forming vegetables (broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, dried beans, peas, onions, turnips, pumpkin, rutabagas, and sauerkraut); Pies and pastries; Jams and preserves; and Highly seasoned foods.

Sample Menu:

Crackers at bedside.

Breakfast:  Banana, egg (scrambled or poached) Toast

Lunch:  Sandwich with mayonnaise and lean meat, canned peaches

Dinner:  Lean meat (2oz), potato, rice, or noodles, canned pears, roll

Snacks mid-morning, mid-afternoon, late-afternoon, evening, and bedtime:  Alternate Jell-O, sherbert, Peanut Butter, and crackers.  Try to keep something on your stomach at all times.

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